Frequently Asked Questions

When will your next book be out?

My Inconvenient Duke, the third Difficult Dukes book, was released on 21 January 2025.

The next book is in the works. I used to be able to write about one book a year. This seems to be no longer the case. But I’m working on the next one, and will write as quickly as the writing gods allow.

For news of this and other matters, please watch my website and/or subscribe to my blog. If you go to the upper right of the blog page, you'll find a link you can click on. Then, you don’t have to do anything! My news will magically arrive in your inbox. You will not be swamped, I promise. It would be great if I could produce a blog post a week, but that almost never happens. In any case, writing the books is top priority.

May I contribute content to your website/blog? May I promote my book on your blog? Do you collaborate with others for content?

This is a one-person show. I provide the content. On very rare occasions, I invite another historical romance author to guest blog. This site doesn’t have advertising (except in the form of links for purchasing my books) or promote anybody’s work or products. I don’t do book reviews as such, although I may call readers’ attention to a historical resource I’ve added to my collection. By historical resource I do not mean historical fiction.

When will your books be available in audio format?

At this point, all of my published full-length novels should be available in audio format, with Kate Reading narrating all but the earliest books, the traditional Regency romances. My agents continue to work on some of the international audio editions.

Do you design the covers for your books?

No. I do the writing; the publisher does the packaging. I do have some say about elements of the cover, but these are really only minor tweaks.

Will character A from book B ever get his or her own story?

This question has been asked about Dominick in Lord of Scoundrels, Miles Archdale in Mr. Impossible, Jason in The Lion's Daughter, and quite a few others. I do try to keep all the characters, even the minor ones, interesting, but I don't always have a whole story for them.  Usually, if inspiration doesn't strike within a few years, it will not strike at all.  The longer the time away from a story, the harder to get into the character's head and heart.  However, if the idea comes, I will certainly write it. At this point, however, it’s all I can do to write the books currently percolating and get them done on time.

Do you give talks or speeches?  Do you do interviews? Do you write guest blogs? 

While I don't give talks, workshops, or speeches, there are a number of events I'm happy to be part of.  For these and similar queries, please contact HarperCollins’s publicity department.  Usually I decline guest blogs. The (very occasional) exceptions are normally set up by my publisher.

Will you endorse my book/read my manuscript?

Some authors can write their own books, carry on social networking and other worldwide duties, have something resembling a life, and still find time to read and critique or provide endorsements for other writers.  Those authors are not me.  I can barely keep it together as it is.  Please spare yourself disappointment and me the anguish of composing an apologetic negative.  I would do it if I could, but I can’t.

How can I get galleys of your books for review?

Please contact HarperCollins’s publicity department.

Will you help me with my research?

In addition to writing and researching my own books, I used to post twice a week at Two Nerdy History Girls.  Please read the blog:  It’s still online, it’s loaded with information, and we never kept our sources secret—although I can’t promise all the links will still work.  If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, please get in touch with one of the many librarians, organizations, online groups, and others who live to help in this way.  Much as I love to play Sherlock Holmes with history, asking me to do your research is cruel temptation.  I really need to stay focused on my own work. In fact, I now have research assistants, to prevent my going down historical rabbit holes.

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to write a book?

Several places provide useful information.  You might want to check out Susan Elizabeth Phillips's Writing Tips.

One great find-it-all-in-one-place resource I know is Laura Resnick’s website. The Writer's Resources page covers quite a bit of territory. 

If you’re considering genre fiction, you may want to join a writers' group. Romance writers can find one in every state, I believe. If nothing is available locally, try one of the online writer groups. These can give you access to educational programs, special workshops, mentor programs, conferences, and newsletters full of writing tips, and critique groups.

Local libraries and bookstores often host writers' groups. And of course, you can always turn to the numerous writing books. Laura’s site mentions most of my favorites, especially Lawrence Block. Writers Digest is another helpful tool.

What's the story on the fifth Carsington brother?

Originally, the plan was to do a trilogy dealing with the three youngest sons. I'd pictured Benedict, the eldest, and Geoffrey, next in line, as happily married. But for some reason I developed the feeling that something was wrong in Benedict's marriage. Then he showed up at the end of Mr. Impossible, and I knew he was deeply unhappy. Because he and his state of mind took strong hold of my imagination, he became the hero of the next book. I'm not sure when I'll tell Geoffrey's story. He still seems happily married to me, and I've not yet developed a picture in my mind of how he fell in love with his wife. I have no idea if I'll ever figure this out, but if I do, I'll write the book.

If your question isn’t answered here or elsewhere on the website, please contact Loretta.

Image: January 1832 fashions, La Mode. Casey Fashion Plates, Los Angeles Public Library.