Traditional Regencies, Book 3
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“You are probably past all redemption, but I’m going to reform you anyway. If you behave yourself, perhaps I’ll let you reform me on occasion, but I make no promises.”
Viscount Vagabond
Fleeing an arranged marriage, Catherine Pelliston is on her way to London when she is drugged, abducted, and put to work in a house of ill repute. Desperate to escape, she puts her fate in the hands of the first man who comes to her—as disheveled and intoxicated as he is—and finds herself rescued by a lord in rake’s clothing…
“Every phrase, every sentence of Ms. Chase’s prose sparkles with wit and charm.”—Romantic Times
~Read an Excerpt~
Catherine Pelliston had never beheld a naked man before. She had never, in fact, observed a man in any state of undress, unless one counted the draped figures in Great Aunt Eustacia’s collection of classical statuary. Those, however, had been carved stone, not at all like the large, all-too-animate male who was breathing alcoholic fumes into the stuffy room. Even Miss Pelliston’s ramshackle papa, so careless of all else when in the latter stages of inebriation, remained properly—if not neatly—attired in her presence.
The figure floundering near the door, on the other hand, had already torn off his coat and neckcloth and flung them to the floor. At the moment, he seemed to be trying to strangle himself with his shirt. [read more...]